Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

I hope all you dads out there had a wonderful Father's Day. Our day started with a trip to the beach. John has been itching to go since the weather got warm so we went. It was Lucy's first trip and I have to say that she absolutely loved it! As soon as her feet hit the water she was bouncing and when I sat her down she immediately started splashing. I told John he finally got his "beach baby". We stayed for about two hours then got home just in time for a big thunderstorm to roll through. So we basically hung out at home and cooked dinner. Unfortunately my dad had to work yesterday so they weren't able to come over for dinner. Wow! I just realized yesterday was my dad's 37th Father's Day. I feel old! Now I depressed myself so I'll go for now. My parents are coming for Max's ball game tomorrow night so I'll hopefully be able to get some pics of Max in his uniform. I'll also post about the t-ball jamboree. What a HOT day!

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