Seriously? I don't think Max will be making a lot of money (or any for that matter) in the future as a goalie. Check out the video of him taking his position very seriously at last night's soccer game :)
See what I mean? What I didn't get on the video was that the coach had to rescue Max
TWICE when he got himself tangled up in the net in his boredom (
in his defense there wasn't a whole lot of play at his end of the field but...REALLY?????) I also didn't get the first part of his dance when my mom pointed out to me that he was doing the "hand jive" and then proceeded to be dancing around like a monkey. Best $48 (for soccer) I ever spent let me tell ya :)
On another note...Today we had some high drama around here. Max came home from playing at a friend's house sobbing and crying hysterically. He told me that as he was talking to his friend, his friend picked something up off the ground and threw it in Max's mouth as he was talking. He told Max it was a poisonous nut and that Max was going to die. Well, wouldn't that freak you out too? Anyway, I questioned Max about it (this friend doesn't seem the type to do that kind of thing). I knew that these parents wouldn't have anything poisonous laying around in their yard so I was trying to explain this to Max. I also tried to explain to him that his friend was probably trying to play a joke on him that wasn't really funny but that his friend would never intentionally hurt him like that. He wasn't buying it and just kept sobbing that he was probably going to die now.
He said the "nut" was white and had some brown in it. I figured it was probably a small pebble. Max said it wasn't, he didn't swallow it but it was in his mouth for a few seconds before he spit it out which is why he was certain that death was imminent. Poor guy probably couldn't figure out why I wasn't freaking out along with him. Anyway, since he wouldn't believe me that whatever it was couldn't be poisonous
(because we ALL know that 7 year old boys know everything about everything and mom's just don't know anything) and showed no signs of calming down, I called the friend's dad. He told me he would speak with his son and call me back.
In the meantime I asked Max if he could show this "nut" to his friend's dad and the dad told him it wasn't poisonous if he would believe him. He assured me that he would. So off we went (the dad had called me back and said his son wasn't talking). Max found the "poisonous" nut on the ground...he handed it to his friend's opened his hand to look at it.
brown in it...
(like the drama?...I felt like I had to build it up a little.)
Anyway, I pointed out to Max what it was and that he had eaten hundreds of those at my parents' house in the past. Once he realized he didn't need to be rushed to the hospital for emergency poison removal and that he could relax, he got a grin on his face.
That grin spelled R-E-L-I-E-F! often happens with kids...they forgot about it right away and went off to play...all is well :) The friend's dad was worried about whether or not he handled it right. I told him the boys were fine and my only concern was that he (the dad) was able to convince Max that the nut wasn't poisonous and that he wasn't going to die from it...because for crying out loud, he wasn't going to believe his own MOTHER!!!!!
What next?? Never mind...DON'T answer that :)