Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Birthday John!

Dear John (no, it's not one of THOSE "Dear John" letters),

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband :) I am so blessed to have you as my husband. The best thing I could have done in February 2000 was to leave it up to God and trust Him to bring the right man into my life. He did that the very next month. His timing was always :)

You are a wonderful man, husband and father. You are honest, VERY hardworking, loving, honorable, and tenacious (sounds better than stubborn...hahaha). I love watching you play with our kids. I love that you read to them and pray with them at night. I especially love that even though you would never have done it before (because you just aren't a singer), that you sing to our kids...they love it...and they love you. They know and I know that you would do anything for them.

I am so glad that you have such a hearty appetite because I thoroughly enjoy cooking for you and I like that you like it when I try new recipes (that's about the ONLY change that you like though). It's also nice that you actually enjoy my cooking...although even if you didn't you'd never go hungry because you can't stand seeing the tiniest morsel of food go to waste. This is why I have to clean out the fridge of all the "science experiments" when you aren't home because I know you'd say "Hey, I was going to eat that". If it has green stuff growing on it then it's out!...too bad :) I also think it's funny that you get so amazed by how much Max eats. He can just about out-eat you at the age of 6 and will probably be able to wear your clothes by the time he reaches middle school at the rate he is growing. He looks so much like you and I love that :)

I love watching football with you on t.v. and I hope one day soon we can go to another Clemson vs. NC State game together. Even though I tease you about it, I think it's cute that you love to watch the Weather Channel (for hours and hours) and the History Channel (the origin of dirt just fascinates you, I know :) I love that it takes you months to finish a book because you are reading about 3 or 4 at a time :) I love that you read the Bible before bed every night.

I think it is hilarious that you get the heebeejeebees whenever you put your hand on my pregnant belly and our baby kicks you :) It cracks me up when you say "Daddy's got it today!" when you are being silly. I get so excited when I go to our room after you have left for work and see that you took the time to make the bed :)

Your seasons are definitely Spring and Summer. You act like a little kid on Christmas morning when you see that warm weather is coming and you can get out and work/play in the yard. Daylight Savings time is a big deal to you :) I love that you take care of yourself by running and keeping in shape. Not an easy task when "free time" rarely exists around here! I think you look just as hot as the day I met you :) I do think it's funny though that you get more upset about your hair turning gray than about it falling out! Yep, can't figure that one out :)

It's been quite a ride John and I am hoping it keeps going and that we get to share many many more birthdays together.

I love you so much and I am so proud of you.

Happy Birthday Sweetie,


P.S. Jack and Charlotte, thanks so much for raising such a wonderful son to become such a wonderful man!


Keena said...

What a nice tribute to your husband....

Staci said...

Thanks Keena. Yeah, he's a pretty good guy...I think I'll keep him :)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

What a nice way to tell him you love him! You babes and you got a good one!