I feel like I do the same thing day after day and can't move forward. Instead of cleaning the kitchen and washing/drying/folding/putting away mountains of laundry, I would love to be able to organize the office, clean out the garage, make photo albums, sort through the bags of baby clothes, clean my bathrooms, clean out my car...the list goes on.
My problem is that I can't seem to allow myself to do anything else when I know there are dirty dishes to be washed or a dishwasher to unload or counters to be wiped or 50 loads of laundry that need to be done. As I am doing these things I try to pick up toys along the way that have been abandoned. The kids will pick up (sometimes without a fight and sometimes with) but I can't stand walking past something on the floor that doesn't belong there and actually leave it there.
Somehow it never works out when we get home from taking Abby to school that both Lucy and Ruby take a nap at the same time. If one of them is up I can't put all of my focus into something because I can't ignore them. Ruby screams really loud and Lucy...well...let's just say it could be dangerous (and produce MUCH more work for me) to ignore her :)
I feel like I am just staying afloat right now and I don't like that feeling. How do I get it done?
oh, I have so "been there, done that". I don't really have any good advice. Things just happen to even out eventually for me before that feeling comes back.
I think everyone with children goes through this. It may seem like you are alone, but guaranteed you are not. This may not help you at this moment but hang in there. Your children need you and that IS your most important job. My kids are grown and gone and believe it or not, I miss days like yours.
I remember feeling like that...of course, I only had two kids.
I would say "just let it go", but I know that never worked for me. Can you have someone come over for at least a couple hours and just entertain the kids for you so you can get some stuff done? That way, even if one child is still awake, someone can be distracting her for you. And just a couple of hours shouldn't be too expensive (assuming you'd have to hire someone)...but if you can get family or a friend to do it, even better!!
I have a really hard time asking for help. Looking back at the newborn stages I went through, I wish I would have asked for help a little bit more. It would have relieved or prevented a lot of stress.
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