Happy 5th Birthday to our firstborn GIRL! I can't believe it has been 5 years since the day you came screaming and speeding into this world...I can't believe you are still screaming :) HA!
Abby, your birth was high drama. If only daddy and I had known that it was a sign of things to come! You are such a cuddly sweetie, full of hugs and kisses and as helpful as can be (when you want to be). The next minute you are screaming and jumping up and down in a fit of hysterics. The thing is, by the time you calm down, you can't even remember what started the fit in the first place.
Life is never boring with you around. You have got THE CRAZIEST LAUGH! Daddy and I could be at our wits end and you start your cackling and snorting and it cracks us up...I'm laughing now just thinking about it. You are a nice combination of girly girl and tomboy (which daddy is very grateful for). For some reason, you could be all dressed up and looking so pretty and take one step outside and dirt will find you! You can't stand still outside...if you are out for more than a minute you are playing in rocks, dirt, sand, mud, water...whatever happens to be available. You get dirt EVERYWHERE and you get some of your clothes to the point where they are beyond help from ANY stain fighter :) I should know...I've tried just about all of them! You do love your clothes and your shoes though...you change both at least three times a day and leave the discarded clothes/shoes all over the house!
These days you are doing somersaults every third step. Step, step, tumble, step, step, tumble...maybe you'll be an olympic gymnast. You LOVE to sing! Oh my goodness child, you would learn a song at school and sing it...non-stop...at home...in the car...in the bathtub...in the store...on the back porch...you get my point. You sang them so much that Lucy learned them too and would chiime in with you or sing them for me when you weren't home. I was SO ready to ask your teachers to hurry up and teach the class a new patriotic song. I'm all for being patriotic but a person can only handle so much of "America the Beautiful" in one day :)
I can't believe you'll be starting Kindergarten next month. I cried when I had to leave Max in his Kindergarten class...I'm sure I'll do the same for you. I know you'll do great. You pick up on things VERY quickly and you have inherited mommy's "spelling" gene.
You are still sucking your thumb and you laugh at me when I tell you to take it out of your mouth. You also still sleep with your Bobbies at night.
You attempted your first sleepover last week at Tess's house but her mom called me at 11:00 that night saying you wanted your mommy. I was excited for you to have this first but I was secretly glad you were still "little" enough to want to come home to me :)
As far as eating is concerned you are finally trying some new things. When I saw you actually eat a piece of broccoli one day I about fell on the floor! You are still mostly a snacker/grazer though. You asked for "chicken bowls" for your birthday dinner...you love mommy's homemade chicken nuggets.
From the time you were about a year old you were little Miss Independent...even more so now. You always wanted to dress yourself and would REFUSE...loudly...any offers of help. Then you'd get mad when you couldn't do it right but would still refuse help. You'd scream about it until you got it on yourself or daddy or I had to hold you down to help you...don't know where you get that stubborn streak :)
Abby, I loved you from the moment I knew you were growing inside me. When I found out you were a girl I couldn't wait to start buying pink. I was so excited that you would have a big brother to look out for you (I always wanted one). You are an amazing little girl who was meant to be mine.
Happy Birthday Stinkerbelle! I love you so much :)
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