Monday, November 8, 2010

20 Years...How the Time Does Fly!

This past Saturday I had the opportunity to attend my 20 year high school reunion. It felt so strange to think we graduated 20 years (+5 months) ago! Even being the mom of 4 small kids doesn't make me feel old enough to have graduated 20 years ago. It didn't even feel like it had been 10 years since the last reunion.

To think, at that one John and I had only been dating for 6 months. Since then we got engaged, married, and had 4 kids...whew! Let's hope we can relax a little more during the next 10 years (HA!)

I was on the committee that was planning the reunion and about a month ago we had to cancel our original plans due to lack of ticket sales. Another classmate of ours came in a saved the day!

We met at a club and were given our own DJ and the VIP appetizer and drink prices. We also had two servers assigned to our crowd. We pretty much WERE the "crowd" until about 10:30 or so then the regular crowd started drifting in. The classmate that made the arrangements was telling us that someone from our class had called him to see if there was a dress code for the club. He called the manager of the club and the guy told him that they would be a little more relaxed for us since we were an "older" crowd...ACK!

One of our classmates brought our Senior Class video with her and we got to watch it on one of the big flat screen TVs in the room. It was quite funny looking at all of our "big hair" :)

I recognized many faces and I recognized a lot of names. Unfortunately, none of the faces and names matched!

John and I had a great time...even more so because the kids were spending the night with my parents :) Thanks to the mostest awesome mom and dad on the planet for that!

to the Stratford High Class of 1990...
It was great to see many of you again and ...

Go Knights!
"All hail thee mighty Stratford!
Together we shall stand!
We'll show our pride and spirit
To all throughout the land.
With hopes to last forever
As many years go by.
We'll be forever faithful.
All hail thee,
Stratford High!"
- our Alma Mater
See you at the 30 year!


Keena said...

Glad you had a great time... did you write the alma mater by heart....Believe it or not, I NEVER knew it.... Shame on me I guess... Cant wait to see picz of ya'll

Kmama said...

How fun!! I haven't been to a reunion yet. My last reunion (10 year) was when I was quite pregnant with Buster and I had no intentions of going to a reunion all pregnant and fat. LOL