Saturday, May 7, 2011

An Amazing Experience!

This afternoon our family headed to the beach for one of the most amazing experiences. The SC Aquarium was releasing loggerhead turtles back into the ocean after having taken care of them in their Sea Turtle Hospital (click on sea turtle link to go to the hospital blog to see pics and info on the turtles released today).

There was a HUGE crowd on both sides of a long path down the beach into the ocean. Some of the turtles had to be carried down to the water and a few of them kept stopping as if to say they weren't too sure about going back :) They all made it out into the ocean though and it was so neat to hear the clapping and cheering from the crowd as each turtle caught their wave and swam out to sea!

sorry about the weird stuff from my camera...not sure what was going on ;p

We were actually standing IN the ocean to watch and I had a tough time seeing the turtles up close until one of the little ones that started swimming close to where we were decided to take a left instead of going straight. He came through the line of people and started heading back for shore! One of the hospital (turtle hospital that is!) volunteers was following him and caught him as he was right next to my leg! She picked him up and he smacked my leg with his flipper!!!!!

If I hadn't been so shocked and if it hadn't happened so fast I would have been able to get a picture up close and personal. The very nice people that were in front of us (and had a front row spot) allowed Max and Abby to stand between them so they could see everything. John and I took turns holding Lucy and Ruby. Lucy giggled everytime she saw a turtle :)

I am so glad we took our kids to see this! Other than seeing loggerheads and other sea turtles swimming in an aquarium tank they haven't seen them like this.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Too cool!!! What an awesome sight to witness!