Tuesday, July 28, 2009

One Week and Counting...

One week from today we have our ultrasound where we will hopefully ?!?!?! find out if the peanut is a boy or a girl. We are looking forward to it and Max is STILL holding out for a boy. I hope that if it turns out to be a girl he won't be too disappointed!

I have a friend who is pregnant with her second child and she has a 6 year old daughter. She got to take a sneak peek a couple of weeks ago before her "official" ultrasound and they found out they were having a boy. Her daughter, was not pleased! When my friend told her daughter that they were going for another ultrasound today, her daughter told her that if they weren't going to say it was a girl this time then she really didn't want to go :) Do you think this little girl wanted a sister????

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