Thursday, August 12, 2010

Snack Time!

*** I was originally typing this post last Friday but a storm rolled in with some crazy thunder and lightning before I could upload the pictures and videos so I am finally getting around to it now. Yeah, I know what you're thinking...slacker!***

Ruby is definitely one of our doubt about it...

She had a snack today and about went bonkers over it!

After she did so well with the Cheeto the other day at Abby's party I figured she'd do okay with a healthier snack...okay, so it was Cheerios but it is still better than a Cheeto. Well, better FOR her...I mean really, what kid would say a Cheerio tastes better than a Cheeto? NOT one of mine, that's for sure.

Anyway, I broke a few up into quarters and helped her get one in her mouth and she thought it was the better than a clean diaper!

It was so cute to watch her try to chew :) I also let her try out her pincher grasp...needs some work :)

I also gave her some water in a soft spout sippy cup. She is constantly grabbing my water bottle and bringing it to her mouth to drink. I have given her some sips from mine before but since she puts her mouth over the top of the bottle and has been drooling quite a bit as of late I figured it would save me the "ewwwwwwww thanks for the slobber in my water" factor if I just gave her some in a cup.

It cracked me up (and Abby as you can hear on the video) watching her try to get the hang of the cup.

So without further ado...and because a storm is rolling in and my crazy husband wants me to sit on the back porch with him and watch are some videos of Ruby's first snack!...

1 comment:

Kmama said...

Aww, she is such a sweetie. I loved her "drinking" from the sippy!