"Please excuse our mess as we work to make this blog better!"
The youngest crew member is calling me to get her out of the crib and feed her so the blog construction crew is taking an extended break...be back...when I get a minute :)
In the meantime. Anyone know how I can get the box to disappear from around the header? Since blogger changed the design tab I can't figure out how to get to the colors and be able to get the title box off.
I'm no help. I hire people to do my stuff now. LOL
It's cute though!
It's been ages since I have even visited my own blog... but I seem to remember there might be an option when setting your header to "size it" to "fit" in the default space. Maybe?...
I can't ever get that thing off either. I love the header, though! Want to make me one too? :)
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