Umm, where did June go? I swear yesterday was the beginning of June and Max was just getting out of school and we were doing the last minute packing and rushing around (I'm sorry, did I say "we"? I meant "I" was :P ) for
our trip to Colorado. Kindergarten has come and gone, our trip has come and gone, JUNE has come and gone. This train is going too fast...SLOW IT DOWN!
Sunday I hit the 15 week mark in my pregnancy. Hard to believe that we found out about it 10 weeks ago. My belly is growing and showing (to be expected sooner with #4 I guess). I'm slowly getting to the point now where it looks like I'm pregnant instead of just getting fat! Of course, THAT would be something to go slow! I still have a strong feeling that this baby is a boy and Max is just as sure as I am. John hasn't really said either way if he has a feeling or not. Abby will call the baby a boy but then say she wants it to be a girl. This pregnancy is going well so far. My morning sickness was mild compared to the girls' (which is another reason I think it's a boy, with Max it was the same as this time). I don't know if it is because of my "advanced maternal age" (don't you love that term...NOT!) but my body has been feeling this pregnancy a lot more. I have a lot of pain in the right side of my back at night (when I'm trying to sleep) and it hurts a lot in the morning but by the time I get moving around it seems to get better. I have other various skin issues going on and varicose veins are threatening to rear their ugly heads. My thyroid has been doing much better during this pregnancy however and I pray that it continues that way. I wish I could afford a complete body overhaul (on me) after this baby is born! Regardless of what is going on with me, it is completely and totally worth it and we are blessed.
Speaking of time flying. Abby will be 4 years old this month! I can't believe it! She will be starting her last year of preschool in September. WOW! We are planning a Tinkerbell themed birthday party, speaking of which, I need to get those invitations done! She is still into everything princesses and enjoys playing mommy with her baby dolls and her little sister. She tends to be quite bossy at times but, speaking from experience, it is what big sisters do :) Right Shea and Mallory?????
Lucy is a little over 2 months away from her 2
nd birthday...HOLY COW! She is growing so fast and is really developing a strong personality...(code for stubborn and independent :) No really, she is not afraid to tell us what she wants and will protest loudly if made to wait. Teaching patience in this house has been a challenge for the past 6 years :) What is ironic though is that as a baby, Lucy was the most patient of all 3 of them. Maybe she decided it was for the birds and figured she'd follow in her brother and sister's footsteps! She will have a conversation with you and you can understand what she is saying. I mean, she is actually speaking in full sentences to carry on this conversation. She will count from 1-9, she will finish the last phrases in the "1,2 Buckle My Shoe" rhyme, her favorite saying right now is "Shake your booty now" and "Honey, cool it". She is also a goofball, just like her brother and sister! She will say "Mommy, watch this" over and over and when I tell her I'm watching she'll just drop to the floor and roll around like a maniac. She also learned recently that she could make Max and Abby crack up by performing her newest trick, spitting her pacifier out of her mouth as hard as she can. Beats me why it's so funny but they laugh and she keeps doing it...
Max is currently playing t-ball and shows much improvement from last summer. He can really hit the ball when he focuses on it and he has a good arm but needs to work on aim. Also, he throws hard regardless of how far away he is from the person he is throwing it to so he needs to work on learning how to lessen the intensity of his throw at short distances. He will throw it the same from outfield to infield and second base to first base! The boy just doesn't know his own strength. He really enjoys having his daddy out on the field as one of the coaches too. I can't believe Max will be starting first grade next month! I still remember the day he was born as clear as a bell and it doesn't seem like it was 6 years ago.
Well, since there is nothing I can do to slow down time (or the aging process...
dang it) I will just have to go along for the ride and savor and enjoy every moment. I guess I should also take more pictures! Have a great day!