I know that if she were to sleep through the night restfully and peacefully then the rest of us would be able to follow suit. Please Santa, I don't need expensive electronics or jewelry or clothes...JUST SOME COTTON PICKIN' SLEEP AT NIGHT!!!!!!!!!
I'll take care of getting her some toys to put under the tree if you will take care of the sleep issue. Bring along your friend, Mr. Sandman if you have to...I'm getting desperate here. New baby coming in less than 5 weeks so my sleep time is going to be cut drastically short anyway.
Okay, Thanks Santa. Have safe travels on Christmas Eve...I'll probably see you when you stop by...I'll be up with someone I'm sure!
One Tired (and slowly losing it) Mama
I thought I had it bad. Buster is doing remarkably better now though, and I'm not sure what happened to help him, but something clicked and he's mostly sleeping thru the night now. Could it be separation anxiety, or even anxiety about the baby coming and she's trying to get in all her 1-on-1 time??
Hang in there, it can only get better. Right? I don't have any answers for you either, just good luck. Hopefully it will be better when the baby comes.
Poor Staci! I hope your daughter starts sleeping soon!
The book was called Montana Sky and it's an older one by Nora Roberts...
Oh Staci I feel for you... wishing and hoping for some good sleep for you before little one comes along (5 weeks??!!- how did that happen??) Suggestion: Elizabeth Pantley's No Cry Sleep Solution. She has a book for infants and one for toddlers/ preschoolers. Love her gentle style and her ideas work. Worth a try...
My son did not sleep through the night until age 2 and a half! I felt so alone! I tried everything. I read every book (well, except the preschool version of Pantley's because I only had the baby/toddler one). Finally, we realized that my son had sensory issues and needed deep pressure massage and brushing before bed. I would have never ever guessed! It did the trick and he's been sleeping for 2 years now :) Thank goodness!!!
Praying she starts sleeping SOON! You need to rest up for number 2!
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