It is also now "pouring" sick in our house (not sure if that analogy made sense or not but who cares?). Abby is on her 3rd day at home from school with a fever and a cough and guess who else is home sick today and on guessed it...John! He came home early from work yesterday because he was starting to go downhill fast. He's taking the day off today and hopefully the Tamiflu will kick in enough to make him feel better by tomorrow. We were praying he wouldn't have to use his last sick day for an actual sickness because it was the ONLY day he was going to have to take off when the baby comes. I guess I'll be jumping right in with both feet and 4 kids when I get home from the hospital. At least he'll have 2 long weekends in a row with Christmas and New Years.
I was really hoping Abby was doing better yesterday since she played all morning but about 2pm her fever came back and even with Motrin wouldn't go completely away. I gave her more Motrin at bedtime last night and tried to give her some cough medicine to help her be able to rest and she promptly threw it up all over her bed! Once she fell asleep she was okay for most of the night but there was a chorus of coughing going on for a good part of the night between John and Abby and even Max (who has a cough but that is it...I hope that's ALL he gets)!
I just keep telling myself to look forward to next week because I'm sure (well, praying anyway) that everyone will be healthy again by next week!
It sure sounds like you have your hands full! I hope everyone is back to normal soon!
I so know what you're going through. My entire family has been sick for the past week. The kids finally went back to school today. I'm praying we don't get a phone call home in the next hour. Anyway I hope you all feel better soon. This darn flu is really terrible.
Oh ick! I hope everything clears up before baby makes an appearance. Get it out of the house now!
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