I got her up and held her in the recliner for about an hour and a half. I cracked the living room window beside the chair because it was SO cold outside I didn't feel like dragging us both out into it. I was extremely uncomfortable during this time because Baby Girl has been trying out new positions lately and the one she was in last night was NOT conducive to a reclining position on my back!
I got Lucy back up to bed but after that I was up for a few hours doing my own coughing. I decided it would be a good idea to take a couple of puffs on the inhaler when I started coughing so much and couldn't catch my breath all the way. After that I was coughing (much more productive) a lot more and I couldn't get comfortable. That's about the time Lucy woke up again. John took a turn with her this time and I was able to catch a nap for about an hour and a half. By then it was time for John to get up for work and I had to get Max up. Lucy was awake by this time...grrrrrr.
I'm not exactly sure how we made it to Abby's school this morning and then back home again but I plunked Lucy down for a nap as soon as we got home and then crawled into my bed. I set the alarm for 2 hours hoping Lucy would be accommodating...well, I got about another hour and a half...it's something.
I'm expecting tonight to be bad again then hopefully tomorrow night we can be doing better.
Oh no!! That is definitely no fun. Buddy was up coughing last night because of his asthma, but Buster is finally on the mend. He still doesn't have a voice though, unless you consider high pitched, squeaky, and hoarse to be a voice.
I hope tonight is better.
Hope you have a better night.
Oh no =-/ Praying you all get better (& stay better!) soon! And that you get some good sleep tonight!
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