Monday, May 23, 2011

8 year stats...

Really quick because I have to get dinner started...
Took Max for his 8 year checkup today...YIKES!

Weight... 76.4 pounds...94th percentile
Height... 55in (4ft 7 in)...97th percentile

Had to take him yesterday to get some new clothes!  Dr. said his height and weight are proportional but that he's a big boy for his age...NO KIDDING :)

Dr. also mentioned that it's important for him to get lots of fruits and veggies and water at this age.  I told him it wasn't a problem for Max, he usually goes for that stuff first :)  Dr. said he could definitely tell max was getting plenty of nutrition :)

Just for kicks I looked up a "Height Predictor" online and the two results I got from two different websites say about 6'2" or 6'3" by age 18.  I predict he'll be wearing his dad's clothes by the time he hits middle school ;p


Keena said...

Does height run in the famaily???? Gonna have all the girls chasing him... Good Luck with keeping him feed...LOL

Kmama said...

Wow! And my poor Buddy is at 45 inches (almost 7 years old). LOL