Thursday, May 5, 2011

8 Years

Up until I was 31 I had many names...

daughter, sister, wife, friend...but...

8 years ago today my life was changed forever...
At 3:29pm I met my son for the first time and I haven't been the same since...

He was a big boy weighing it at 8 lbs 13 oz and 20 inches long. Although I had gotten plenty of experience in holding babies and changing diapers, etc. from years of babysitting and helping with my baby sister (I was 13 yrs old when she was born), this was the first baby that would ever call me "mama" and even though hearing it about a hundred times a minute several times a day from any or all 4 of my is still the name I cherish the most.


My first born.

My only son.

You hold a part of my heart forever.

My dreams for you have not changed from when you were born (even before that).

I want for you to love and honor God. Have strong morals, a kind, giving, and compassionate heart. I want you to be a good role model for your sisters and others. I want you to enjoy life and see the good in others. I want you to find something you are passionate about and do your best at it. I want you to go to college (preferably Clemson...heehee!) and give it 110%.

MUCH later...I want you to fall in love, get married, and start your own family. I want you to be a good dad...just like yours :) I want you to know the feeling of playing ball with your kids, watching them ride their bike for the first time, take them to their first day of school, and say prayers with them and read stories at bedtime.

So, I'm not asking too much am I? :) Max, I love you with everything that I am and I pray every night that I can be the kind of mom you need to become the kind of man God wants you to be.

You make me smile

You make me laugh

You make me wonder

You make me want to be a better me.

Happy Birthday sweet boy! Don't grow up too fast please?

***Okay...not sure what is going on but Blogger wouldn't let me change font size or anything so I don't know how it's going to look ;/ ***

1 comment:

Kmama said...

Happy birthday to Max! He's such a handsome guy!