Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The birds are singing and Max can hear it!

All went well with the surgery this morning. We were supposed to check in at 9:30 and got there
about 20 minutes early. This did not mean we would be taken back any earlier however. We waited until about 10 after 10 before we got to go back to the pre-op room. There we had to entertain Max for awhile and tried to give hime some medicine that would give him a jump start on pain relief and to help relieve any anxiety when he left us. The anxiety came when we tried to give him the medicine and he realized it tasted awful. He put up a fight! It took three of us to hold him down and we tried to put the medicine in with a syringe but the little booger held it in his mouth then spit it out all over himself. UGH! He then proceeded to spit up for about 20 minutes. He finally settled down enough with a Gameboy (AHA!) and they were able to take him back. By that time John and I needed a sedative. Unfortunately we had to settle for hospital coffee (I really could have used a Starbucks about then).

Before we knew it the doctor came out and said everything went well and that he would be on his way to recovery. Max's ears were, of course, filled with fluid which is still currently draining a little. When John and I were called back to recovery we were prepared for the worst. The last two times Max had the surgery the recovery time was filled with screaming, flailing, kicking, and my extremely strong willed child trying to pull the i.v. out of his arm! This time we were able to get the i.v. out before he started to wake up and he only fussed and hollered a couple of times before I held him in the rocking chair and he went back to sleep. He did wake up and complain once that the hospital bracelets that he decided to have put on his ankles were "killing" him. Once they were cut off it was back to a drug induced sleep. Since they had given him some pretty powerful drugs after the surgery they wanted to monitor him for about 30 minutes. An hour later, with Max still sleeping, the doctor gave the okay for us to leave even though Max hadn't had anything to drink and was still pretty much down for the count. I think he may have been trying to avoid everyone too because at one point I asked him if he still wanted to get some Chik-fil-a for lunch and he nodded his head yes. That's my boy...mention food and that'll get a response :)

Once we got out to the car he was wide awake! After we picked up the girls from my dad and got home Max was back to his old self. We have noticed that he is already hearing better though. We haven't had to raise our voices or repeat ourselves ten times before he responds. Also, he watched t.v. from the middle of the room instead of sitting on top of the t.v. and we didn't have to turn it up to full volume :) Bedtime was rough though because he could hear every little noise (not a good time for his sound machine to go on the fritz!). I assured him it would get better in a couple of days. We are supposed to put drops in his ears twice a day for 3 days. This has gone VERY badly in the past so I think I'll have to be sneaky and wait until he's asleep.

We have a follow up visit on the 6th of May and he'll get another hearing screening. Let's pray the hearing loss is cured with the surgery.

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