Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lucy...the Goofball!

Lucy just cracks me up! This child has huge nasty fits of temper but then she also does and says some of the goofiest things.

Had a mouthful of food and trying to make a goofy face for the camera.

Last Saturday, Lucy unfortunately experienced her first real nose bleed. True to form she freaked out a little but I didn't realize how freaked out she was until she refused to remove the tissue from her nose...for 8 hours!!!!! Yes, I sat with her and held the tissue to her nose for a few minutes. When I went to check to see if her nose had stopped bleeding she about lost her mind. I told her she could keep it on for a few more minutes. Well, I think the sight of her own blood worried her so she kept it on...

while I changed her clothes...

while she used the bathroom...

while I put her in her carseat to go to Charlotte...

while she ate a snack in the car...

while she slept in the car...

once we got to Charlotte...

while eating dinner...

and getting ready for bed...

At one point in the car she got tired of holding the tissue herself so she figured out how to keep it up to her nose...hands free!

Yep, she used her passy to hold the tissue up to her face.

Lucy has also started doing this thing with her mouth where she makes her top lip go to one side and her bottom lip go to the other side. That in itself looks funny when she does it, but then she will roll her eyes (another favorite trick of hers) when she does the lip thing and I can't help but laugh. Watch the video...she wouldn't do it while facing the camera but you can see her do it...

Now if I can only get her to use her powers for good instead of rotten :)

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I LOVE this...rigging the paci to hold up the tissue...little one's are the best at making other's smile :)