Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Certain things that have happened over the past couple of weeks have really started me thinking about my life, my priorities, and my faith.

I have learned that the little things that used to bother me really just don't matter that much. There are parents out there who would give anything to have to clean up a mess their child made or have their child screaming at the top of their lungs but can't anymore because their child is gone.

I have learned that God answers all prayers...we just may not get the answer we wanted or hoped for.

I have learned that nothing I am doing is important enough to not stop and hug my kids and husband and tell them I love them.

I have learned that I can not say that enough or hear it enough from them.

I have learned that arguing over trivial matters is a waste of time.

I have learned that sometimes I may not understand "why" but I am not supposed to understand...just have faith and trust that God's plan is good.

I am learning to not fear the unknown...once my faith and trust in God. Take things one day at a time and enjoy the days and nights we are given.

I have learned that I want to be a better person and I'm trying to figure out how to go about doing that.

I have learned that I worry too much and I should give it over to God.

I have learned that I want to deepen my relationship with God and try harder to be who He wants me to be...better wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend...

I have learned that miracles come in many different forms.

I have learned that I want to learn more about things that matter.

I have learned, I am learning, I want to learn...


Abbie Burnham said...

Me too. Great post, Staci.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I have learned so many of the same lessons. It seems we may be alike in our worries. I wish I didn't worry so much! LET Go and LET God, right!?!
Great post.