Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Shrinking and Expanding...


I haven't mentioned it here yet (only because I keep forgetting) but I have gone back to Weight Watchers. Ruby was 3 1/2 weeks old when she came with me as I walked through those doors again (for the third time starting over). I had lost about 25 pounds of pregnancy weight on my own in the first three weeks then decided to go back and get the weight loss ball rolling again.

When I first joined after Abby was born (almost 5 years ago!), I lost a whopping 46 pounds and reached my goal weight and was able to attain Lifetime status. I enjoyed this for a short while then found out little Lucy was on the way. What happened? Packed it all back on again! So after Lucy was born I headed back to start over. I was 7 pounds shy of reaching my goal weight again when...surprise, surprise...PREGNANT! Now that Ruby is here and we know we are definitely DONE having's time for Mommy to have her body back!!! :) As I lose the weight and make my way back DOWN through my "transition" clothes I am pitching them...goodbye/good riddance/adios/etc. They have been with me through 3 if not all 4 of my pregnancies and they are not fit to be worn by anyone else. They have earned their retirement :)

Anyway, I have been back for 10 weeks and as of last night I have managed to drop another 17.4 pounds! WooHoo! I plan on purchasing P90X sometime soon and see how much of my former self I can find underneath the sagging/drooping/stretched out self I now see in the mirror everyday. I hear P90X kicks your butt...not a problem as long as it will also lift it off the floor and tone it up for me too!


I mentioned before that we sold Old Bessie. The reason is that a car that seats five does not work well for a family of 6. It's just not fun travelling as a 2 cars! So, since our family has will our car. We have been searching high and low for a used mini-van that doesn't have a ginormous amount of miles on it and is cheap. We are looking for something to get us just throough the next couple of years then we can upgrade. John and I are trying to live the Dave Ramsey way and therefore do not want to finance anything. Cash Only Please :)

We think we have found our van. A friend of mine from "back in the day" is selling hers and we are thinking it may be ours. I have to giggle when I think about buying a mini-van because I think of my brother-in-law (also named John). At our wedding reception (9 years ago this Sept.), my BIL wrote a message to us. He wrote "Never, but never buy a mini-van!" Ha! Who woulda thunk it :)

So that's it peeps. I have a kitchen to clean up (I'm thinking of installing doors on the entrance to the kitchen so I can close them and not have to look at the mess) and I have to wrangle Max and Abby home from their friends' houses to eat dinner and get ready for Max's soccer game tonight (am I a bad mom for hoping it gets rained out so I don't have to stand out there with 3 little girls in the cold drizzle?)

1 comment:

Kmama said...

Congrats on the weight loss. That's wonderful!

LOL at your BIL comment. My hubby would never go for a minivan, which is why I drive a suburban. Ugh.