Thursday, March 18, 2010

Well, at least she's not in Kindergarten yet!

Yes, I know Ruby just turned 3 months old this past Saturday (still working on THAT post). Yes, I know she has changed so much in those 3 months.
Yes, I KNOW the birth announcements should have gone out at LEAST 2 months ago.
Yes, I've been preoccupied with other things (like feeding/changing/carrying/bathing) the child (and the other 3).

YES, the birth announcements will go in the mail tomorrow!!!!! Once they go out and have time to reach their destinations I will scan and post it here on the blog.

1 comment:

Kmama said...

Oh, I can't wait!! Buddy was about 2 months old before his announcements went out. I had no excuse, as he was my first. LOL