Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Happy Birthday Thank You Note...

Dear Jack and Charlotte,
Thirty-nine years ago today you brought into this world an incredible gift...your fourth child, your third son (sometimes the "GOOD" son :) ). I want to thank you for raising and loving that child and creating such an incredible man.
You raised him to love, to laugh, be kind and honest. You raised him to understand the value of hard work and to put no less than his best into it. You raised him to love God and honor Him. You raised him with a good example of how to be a husband and father and how to take care of his family. You raised him to love the outdoors and to LOVE TO EAT (no more rice and jello for him)!!!!!
Long ago, God chose John to be your son. To raise and to love and to cherish and to protect and to teach. Long ago, God also knew that John would grow into a strong, loving man because of the parents He chose for him. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. God chose for John to be my husband. I thank God for that everyday.
John is a wonderful husband and a terrific father who strives to teach his children good moral values and character and how to love God...just like he was taught as a boy.
Jack and Charlotte, I wanted to thank you today, on John's birthday for being his parents and helping to shape him into the man he is today.

Love, Staci

Happy Birthday John...You are so loved

The fourth child with his fourth child :)


Kmama said...

That was so sweet. Happy birthday to John!

Keena said...

How thoughtful...What a nice tribute to John and his parents...Ruby looks a lot like him..