Friday, June 6, 2008

Dear Sweet Little Abby

I love cake!

A sleeping child is a quiet child! Seriously, it's the only time she's quiet :)

What a cutie!

Abby and cousin Molly playing the piano at Nana/Papa's house.

Abby decorating her visor at her End of the Year class party.

Sweet Little Abby and her favorite past time...eating!

Who would have known what a precious little spitfire she was going to turn out to be! Abby has taken the Terrible Two's by storm and it shows no signs of letting up quite yet. She decided to give us a taste of it starting at 18 months and now that she's a little over a month away from her 3rd birthday we are patiently waiting for the seas to calm. She is a sweet beautiful little girl with a set of lungs that an opera singer would love to have! Of course she was tesing those lungs out from the moment she shot out into the world so why should we be surprised that she continues to exercise them:)

She is fiercely independent and extremely strong willed. She has inherited the shoe and purse gene that my mom and my sisters have but somehow skipped me. The girl changes shoes at least four times a day. She loves to play with her baby dolls (Hannah and Caleb) and take them for walks in her baby stroller with her Vera Bradley purse (thanks Mimi) hanging on her arm or over the stroller handle. She puts a pair of princess shoes on and tells me that she is heading off to Super Wal-Mart (still her favorite store) to buys formula and eggs. For the first two years of her life I was ceratin she would always be a tom boy but she is becoming a girly girl! Abby absolutely adores her baby sister and loves her brother (most of the time). She definitely loves to fuss at him and bug him to no end!

Abby finished her first year of preschool on Wednesday, May 21st. She loved her teachers and really enjoyed doing all the fun activities and playing with all of her friends. I am really hoping that she will have at least most of them in her 3 year old class next year. It took her at least half the year to stop crying when I would drop her off but once she went back after Christmas she was good to go.

When John and the kids went out on the boat he said she didn't want to go out in the water but she was sitting on the boat with her bathing suit and sunglasses on looking like a little princess :) She is still terrified of airplanes flying overhead.

Abby is anxiously awaiting her third birthday. More importantly, her party. She has told me she wants me to make a princess castle cake for her party. I should have gone to school for architecture. I am working on the plans for it and I can only hope it turns out halfway decent. One important thing that we are planning for her third birthday is to get rid of the pull-ups. She has been given until then to start going #2 on the potty. Whenever I change her pull-up (she only gets them for #2 and at night) I ask her when she's going to go on the potty and she assures me when she turns 3. She also reminds me that when she goes #2 on the potty Nana is going to buy her white shoes and a pink dress! Forget using candy as a this girl some shoes :)

Abby is still taking an afternoon nap which is causing her to take a little longer to go to sleep at night. It is a trade off though because without a nap she is not fit to be around in the late afternoons! It is funny to listen to her in bed at night because she'll just start talking about anything and everything. A lot of times she'll bust out in song before she falls asleep. Most of the songs are ones she learned at school and of course she only remembers one line of each song so it is the same thing over and over like a stuck needle on a record player (if you remember record pplayers you are showing your age). One night she kept singing over and over..."Say to the Lord I love You!" Another night she yelled out "Everybody going on a bear hunt!" Hey, as long as she's in bed I'm not complaining.

This summer Abby will be taking swimming lessons and of course going to Indiana. She won't be able to do Vacation Bible School until next summer because they don't offer it for two year olds.

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