Thursday, June 25, 2009

Where Do I Start?

Everytime I turn around I see something in the house or think of something that needs to be know...a "project". I make lists of things I want to get done, yet I never seem to get to anything on that list. I am forever doing the day to day "chores" and either it is taking me too long to get that done or I am just too tired by the end of it but I can't seem to get to the "project" list.

For example, how embarrassing to admit but my "teacher bag" is still sitting on the floor in the office next to the desk. Um, my last day of teaching was June 2007. Yes, my bag (will all the stuff still in it) is sitting in the same spot I put it in TWO YEARS AGO! Okay, yes, I was 6 months pregnant at the time, little energy, trying to potty train Abby. That might be an excuse for a ferw months...but 2 years?

How do I get to this stuff? Lots of stuff I WANT to do versus lots of stuff I NEED to do. Well, and you've gotta throw the three kids in there too that need my attention :) They are the reason that al lot of the stuff I need to do DOESN'T get done. How early can you train a kid to scrub toilets...just kidding :)

I DO have a strong desire to get myself organized. Of course whenever I have the desire to do it, time is an issue. Whenever I have the time (middle of the night is about it), desire and exhaustion is the issue. Sometimes I want to just haul a dumpster into the front yard and start tossing things into it. It would certainly save me the time of finding a place for it :)

Okay, enough bellyaching. I'm off to do one of those things I NEED to bills...kinda necessary!

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