Friday, August 8, 2008


It is so funny how sometimes a child can sound so much like a grown up. Max has the uncanny ability to crack me up at the most serious moments.

A couple of weeks ago I had told Abby to stop jumping on the couch or she would have to stay off of it. Well, Max was on the couch and she thought it would be fun to jump and land on top of him. When I caught her and fussed at her she said she was sorry. Before I could say another word Max looked at her and said, " Abby, sorry doesn't solve the problem." I had to turn around fast to keep them from seeing me smile and of course John was behind me cracking up :)

Today I was trying to get Max and Abby to go outside to play since the temperature has dropped to a tolerable 82. Abby, still terrified of airplanes...UGH...wouldn't go out because she heard one. Max, in a loving a protective mood today, told her, "Abby, it's okay, remember that God is always with you." It didn't alleviate her fear but it made me feel good to know that he knows this and wants to share that info with his sister.

Finally, a few minutes later they came inside for the umpteenth time...this time to go potty. I heard them in the bathroom and I heard Max saying, "let me see you try." Seconds later he came out so excited and proceeded to tell me that Abby "did it". Knowing that she has been potty trained for awhile now and capable of "doing it" herself I asked him what she did. Well, Max, ever the genius, taught his sister how to pee standing up! He said he showed her how to just lean forward and she did. I told him that girls don't do that as I rushed in to make sure she hadn't gone all over the floor. No mess to clean up and Abby was proud of herself but I did ask her to make sure she sat down from now on because girls don't stand up when they go potty, only boys should do that.

Kids...whatcha gonna do with 'em?

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