Wednesday, August 6, 2008

7 against 1...the odds were NOT in my favor!

I actually survived!!!!! No I was not playing a team sport. I was up against something stronger than the Clemson Tigers football team (Go Tigers!)...I was up against 7 children...namely my 3 and my sister's 4! Max, Abby, Lucy and I went up to Charlotte last Monday to stay with Shea and John and their 4 kids so I could watch the kids while John worked and Shea had other things she had to take care of. Is Staci crazy? you ask, is she insane?, has she lost her marbles? ...maybe...but that's another story :) Anyway, I had two 5 year old boys, two 3 year old girls, twin 16 month old girls, and Lucy at 10 months to keep alive for four days. HOW DID SHE DO IT? you ask...I have no clue. I remember waking up VERY EARLY, thanks to my kids...UGH! feeding them all breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and bathing some of them :) I showered and drank LOTS of caffeine. I could feel myself drowning on Thursday as I woke up with a sore throat and sore leg muscles (carrying 3 babies up and down the steps all day will work some muscles!). Friday morning I was begging for a life raft as I also had a fever and was congested, and achy all over (are you feeling sorry for me yet :))?

Well don't, I did this because I love my sister and brother-in-law and nephew and nieces and they needed me so what else would a sister do? Friday afternoon though I was SO EXCITED to see my husband come in the door to pick up Max and Abby. He was taking them to his parents house and Lucy and I would head over that evening to spend the rest of the weekend. Two down and five to go, the odds were still not in my favor but oh well :) I really did have a great time and Max and Abby and Jack and Molly (I think) had a blast with their cousins. They didn't have to play with each other all week...YEAH! Lucy was fascinated with Sophie and Macy and I think they got a kick out of having a different baby around besides their own mirror image. I also have to give a shout out to uncle Mark who pitched in when desperately needed.

We are now home and staying put since school is only two weeks away. My little man starts Kindergarten on August 19th. He seems excited and I think he's ready because he's bored being at home. I am feeling some guilt however about not teaching because I always thought I'd be there working at the school when he started and he could come to my room after school, or I'd see his class in the hallway, etc. I do plan to volunteer at the school but somehow it doesn't feel the same.

Before I get too emotional about it...let's move on to the next bit of exciting news...Abby has started swimming lessons! Tonight was her second night. Monday she cried quite a bit when it was time for me to leave her with the teacher but as soon as she got in the water she was fine and kept smiling and waving to us. Tonight she didn't cry at all and seemed to have a great time. She even went UNDERWATER! whoa! If she keeps this up we'll have to keep her in lessons year round (it's an indoor pool).

That's enough for now...I'll post more later and hopefully have some pics to share of Abby's party.

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