Friday, August 29, 2008

Out of the Mouth of Max...

I picked Max up from school the other day and he showed me a picture he had drawn in class. He had written his name and a girl's name on his paper. I teasingly asked him if this was his "girlfriend" (he has always liked the ladies :). Instead of saying, "Moooooom stop!" like I expected he would, he very seriously told me, "Mom, you shouldn't have said it like that." I, of course, apologized then asked if she was his girlfriend, expecting an emphatic NO! Not my son...he looked at me with one eyebrow arched and shrugged a shoulder and said..."So far so good." I haven't laughed that hard in a while. To hear that come out of my 5 year old's mouth was priceless. Now, don't get me wrong, I know he is waaaaaaaaay too young for the boyfriend/girlfriend thing and to be perfectly honest...1) he probably doesn't understand what that means and 2) the girl probably isn't even aware of his assumptions :) I know we will have our hands full one day but for now I think I'll enjoy the innocence of youth (my kids'...not mine)and my son's apparently rather large ego! :)

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