Monday, February 2, 2009

Not Me!, Monday...Here we go again...

Yeah, you guessed's Not Me! Monday already. Seriously, how did it get here so fast? Well, MckMama is back from her cruise and posted some beautiful pictures of the clear blue waters and had some very cute shots of MckMuffin (aka Stellan) in there as well. Yep, that baby is only 3 months old and has gone on his first cruise! I am NOT almost 37 and haven't been on one yet...just doesn't seem right I tell ya! Anyway, read on about what I swear I DID NOT do this week then hop (click here...I can't get the button on the post...UGH) on over to MckMama's to find out what a bunch of other people DID NOT do this week either. I wonder how much time was wasted NOT doing all this stuff?????

This week...

~ I DID NOT have to make two trips to the pediatrician. Abby WAS NOT diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection on Tuesday. I DID NOT keep her home on Wednesday so that she would feel better for her special Princess/Prince day at school on Friday...and I DID NOT allow her to miss her football game on Saturday because it was going to be cold.

~ I DID NOT have to rush Lucy to the dr. Thursday morning. If I did it WOULD NOT have been because she was trying to practice her running, she knows better. If she HAD been running then she certainly DID NOT slip in her footie pj's on the hardwood floor and smack face first onto said hardwood floor. She DID NOT have a bloody mouth and I certainly was not worried that she might need stitches or have knocked one of her hard earned top teeth loose (on this note...she checked out loose teeth :)

~I DID NOT have a REALLY BAD Weight Watcher's weekend! Since I follow the program to the letter and only choose healthy food options, I most certainly DID NOT eat a cheeseburger and french fries at Five Guys Friday night when we went to celebrate Max's awesome report card and his "No Colors for a Month" month ("colors" is their behavior report at school and Max didn't get any colors for the entire month of January)!

~I then DID NOT buy Hot Tamales and Bottle Caps when I had to stop at WalMart to get more diapers. I DID NOT eat any of this candy I tell you...I was STRONG in my willpower (YEAH RIGHT!)

~Upon deciding that Saturday would be a new day of tracking points and getting back on the program...I DID NOT go to IHOP with my parents after Max's basketball game and have chocolate milk, pancakes, hashbrowns, and ham. Although, honestly, I did share the food with the, I mean it...I really did! Sunday WAS NOT just a wash either...darn those Dunkin Donuts munchkins!

~ After having forgotten about Max's Show and Tell for the gazzillionth time the Friday before and having to take it to him on the way to take Abby to school, I DID NOT forget about it again until the last minute this past Friday! I WAS NOT rushing around the house like a crazed lunatic, berating myself for being the worst kind of mother, and shouting out any objects I could think of that started with a short e sound that we might just happen to have handy for him to take. I DID NOT briefly think about sending an egg...then luckily find a small wooden elephant and shout for joy. I mean seriously, I have it together...

~ I DID NOT get all my laundry folded and put away this weekend! I enjoy having it sit in my chair in my bedroom. I really like it when it starts crawling up the wall like ivy...maybe I could build a trellis. Man, good thing I wasn't on top of it...even if it was the only thing I got accomplished because...

~ Lucy DID NOT start getting sick on Friday night. She has NOT been up at least once an hour each night since and she has not been clingy during the day either...poor baby:(

~ Once I finally got Lucy down last night, Max DID NOT wake up with...the CROUP...AGAIN!!! I DID NOT have to take him to the ER again because he was having a hard time breathing (I drove this wasn't as bad as in November so we didn't think we needed EMS)...(he is fine and since we got home about 4 this morning I let him sleep in and took him to school when we took Abby to preschool).

~ I am NOT looking forward to GIRLS NIGHT this Saturday! WOO HOO!!!!! Why would I need a girls night? I can handle everything and I do not need a break from time to time to regroup and be a grown up and it HAS NOT been almost 1 year exactly since the last time I enjoyed a Girls Night out.

Okay...I am NOT excited that we just passed the termite inspection we had as I was typing this :)

Well, it's been a busy week of NOT doing stuff...guess I should actually DO something now...


Wayne said...

Wow the sliiping on the wooden floor and hitting her head sounded really painfull and I hope all is well

Wayne said...

I was also wondering if you would like to take part in Tribute Tuesday. A blog I have created for people To pay tribute to some one who has inspierd you in some way. Or someone who has made your life better by knowing them. or a loved one, or maybe just a way of saying thankyou to someone. I have a mr linky so the world can see your tribute to that someone who brightens up your life. Please feel free to come take a look and participate in Tribute tuesday.

Mary Teresa said...

Haha. Our laundry climbs the walls too. Its like magic. =D

I'm glad your kids are all well and healthy again.

And Walker suffered no ill effects from his bean dip fiasco.

Happy Not Me Monday!

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

Great post!

Thanks for stopping by today...come back again soon!

the smiling fat girl said...

i always make the best food options, too. of course. NOT!

Great NMM.