Thursday, November 6, 2008

Insert Clever Title Here...

I am waaaaaaay too tired to come up with anything close to a clever title (and I really ramble when I'm tired so get comfy).

Lucy was up from about 2 - 3:30 this morning and so was Abby who ever so patiently waited for me to come and lay in the bed with her while I was tending to her screaming, cranky, wide awake but oh so tired baby sister (teething has gotten into full swing around here). Oh yeah, I think Max woke up in there somewhere too. Finally got everyone to sleep and then Max decided to start his day at about 5:15. YUCK! He figured since daddy was up then it must be time to get a move on...once awake, this child won't even consider TRYING to go back to sleep until bedtime that night.

On the bright side...I was able to accomplish more before 7am than...I don't know...someone out there HAD to still be sleeping at 7am...right?

I spent the morning elbow deep in my washer, dryer, dishwasher, sink, trashcans, and litterbox (ewwwww) and was finally able to get my entire house vacuumed in one shot instead of in spurts...WOOHOO! FORTUNATELY, Lucy was able to get a good nap this morning so I could get some stuff done. Abby was a trooper and enjoyed "washing dishes" at the sink for me and that must have wore her out because I couldn't entice her to Windex the back door for me...usually her favorite "chore".

Max was a "little" cranky this afternoon (major understatement!) and took most of this out on she had anything to do with him getting up early! He spent some time in his room to get himself together then was okay for the rest of the afternoon. As active as he stays all day, when the boy goes to bed...he usually CRASHES!

I was able to finish the banana bread (my grandma's recipe that turned out great), the egg salad, and the chili and get my kitchen cleaned up in the process! No...I don't know where the energy has come from but I'm not complaining! Neither is John...he's loving the food...I made homemade pizza (cheated on the sauce though cause I ran out of time) for dinner on Tuesday and he's still eating the cookies from last week! Now we have chili, egg salad and banana bread to get us through the next couple of days (the bread might not last that long though...Lucy loves it!)

Although my "To-Do" list didn't get finished today, I do feel good that I got so much accomplished. All in all...a very good day :) Now I think I'll tackle the mountain of laundry waiting to be folded before I go to bed. Oh yeah, I'll do pictures tomorrow...hope you're not too disappointed...okay, I'll leave you with one of Jeff Gordon, a lady bug and a butterfly princess!

Wouldn't you just love to know what Abby is thinking?
Also, I hate having the bottoms of shoes showing in my pictures but Lucy is short so what can I do? The black mark on the bottom is a squished raisin...oops!

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