Friday, November 7, 2008

Lots to say...for a 1 year old

Lucy is a talker...go figure :) She can go from this...

To this...

in 3 seconds flat!

She is doing very well with the words she knows and seems to pick up new words really fast! Once she gets started talking it doesn't usually slow down until she gets tired or decides to pitch a fit.

Out of the Mouth of the Goose..."Luce the Goose" as she is often called...

"Daddy" - the current favorite, she says it clear as a bell. She only said "Da-Da" for a couple of weeks then upgraded to Daddy.
"Nana" - my mom.
"Papa" - my dad
"bobby" - her lovey
"Mommy" - only when asked to, she usually just finds me and puts her arms up.
"Maaaa" - Max
"Pu - tee" - pretzel
"na" - snack
"apa joo" - apple juice
"uh oh"
"teen - tee" - stinky - usually accompanied a wrinkled nose, shaking her head, and a rotten smell
"wap" - waffle
"too - tee" - cookie
"ni - ni" - night night...bedtime
"cee-cee" - Lucy
"shhh...shhh...shhh" - I have always done this to try to calm her down when she's fussy or trying to go to sleep. Just recently I've noticed when she gets fussy she'll stop and start shhh...shhh...shhh'ing herself :)

Well, it's all I can remember for now. I'd say it's a pretty good list though for being a week shy of 14 months :)

**UPDATED** - I can't believe I forgot that my sweet little Lucy has manners already and also says...

"Peez" - Please

"Day-do" - Thank You

Pondering what she'll say next...

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