Monday, December 1, 2008

It's Monday!

Time again for "Not Me!" Monday over at MckMama's blog. I know I did not collect a few "Not Me" moments over the long Thanksgiving weekend...and I'm not going to tell you about them...okay, maybe I will, but remember, I did not do these things!

When you are done reading what I didn't do, click on the button above and head over to MckMama's for more hilarious confessions. Hey, if you haven't participated before, why not give it a shot? Come on, unburden yourself, we promise not to laugh :) Anyway, this week...

1. In the midst of serious cleaning and packing on Tuesday to get ready to head out of town that afternoon, I did not take the time to make John some homemade chocolate chip cookies.

2. I did not eat a cheeseburger and fries on the way out of town because I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and I did not just tell John the other day that I was going to stay away from fast food for awhile.

3. I did not leave my purse at my sister's house Wednesday evening when the girls and I left to go to my in-laws' house. That would be silly and absent-minded and I'm not like that at all. Which means I did not drive 30 minutes away without my drivers license. That's just not me!

4. I did not enjoy Thanksgiving dinner at my sister's house with all 14 of our family there (7 kids, 7 adults)

5. Upon returning to my in-laws' house after Thanksgiving dinner, I did not realize that I forgot my purse at my sister's house AGAIN! I would never do anything that ridiculous!

6. I did not have fun going shopping with my mom and sisters the day after Thanksgiving and I most certainly did not buy anything.

7. I was not excited to see Clemson beat South Carolina! I was also not excited that NC State won their game because then John would be in a good mood :)

8. Lucy did not wake up between 5 - 10 times a night the whole time we were there screaming and I did not lose a lot of sleep because of it.

9. I did not email MckMama frantic because for some reason her blog address was taking me to a different web page and I was not upset in my lack of sleep state that I might not be able to read her blog anymore. I did not check MckMama's blog last night to see if it was working yet, I did not sigh with relief when I saw her blog page come up...really people, I'm not that pitiful :)

9. Finally, it did not take us 7 1/2 hours to get home yesterday when it should have only taken 3 1/2, we were not stuck in traffic, Abby did not have a #2 accident in her pants while stuck in traffic, John did not have Max go #1 in a cup so he wouldn't have an accident, it did not pour rain the whole time we were driving home, we did not stop at Burger King out of desperation for food (where I did not eat another cheeseburger and fries) and John and I did not swear that from now on we would come home from Thanksgiving on Saturday night instead of Sunday!

Whew! I feel better, time to take Lucy to the doctor to check on the diaper rash that she has not had for 4 days!


Lisa said...

Sounds like a rough trip home. WOW, I can imagine all the accidents we might have down the road when traveling. Too funny about having your son go #1 in a cup (lol). Hope Lucy's diaper rash gets better!!

Happy Holidays and thanks for stopping by my blog!

LucieP said...

your Not Me is awesome!!!

And comforting--makes me feel better! ;)