Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Today was one of those days that you stumble onto a scene where you immediately want to grab your camera to capture the moment...alas..I had no camera so these moments will have to forever live in my mind. Gonna be a tight fit in there right now :)

Anyway, Abby had gone to the bathroom to do #2. (Rewind for background...Having been Miss Independent for quite awhile she has recently insisted on wiping her own bottom...WooHoo!!!!! Unfortunately when I see her underwear there is usually evidence that she has not been thorough enough. Therefore I have informed her that she may wipe herself but she has to let me check before she pulls her panties up.) Fast forward to this morning...after she was done and excitedly told me she "got it all" I told her I was coming to check her. I round the corner and what a sight! A 3 year old tooshie stuck way up in the air was planted right in the bathroom doorway! Certainly not a picture I would ever post on the blog but it was one of those moments you aren't expecting...know what I mean?

The next moment was also an Abby potty moment...go figure. I walked into the bathroom to see her sitting on the toilet with her Bobbies (loveys) on the counter and a James Patterson novel in her hands..."reading her book" as she calls it. I cracked up and she thought I was crazy. After she finished up washing her hands she collected her Bobbies and stuck the book under her arm and walked out :) What a character!

Just because she is so cute...I have to tell you that Lucy is trying to learn how to jump. If she's holding onto something she can jump like she's on a trampoline but she is now trying to get her feet off the ground standing on her own. I was trying to demonstrate to her and she looked at me like I was nuts. When she tried it all she was able to coordinate was a head thrust. Well...we'll keep practicing. Have a great Tuesday!

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