Wednesday, October 29, 2008


If you see the little boy in this picture lurking around your not turn your back on him! He will eat your food before you can say "Don't touch my pork chop". Yes, that is what Max did this evening. I grilled 4 nice tasty pork chops for dinner. Max and Abby each got one and were enjoying their mom's culinary delights (hey, it's my blog, I can say what I want). I stepped into the office to check my email. BIG MISTAKE!

Max came in about 2 minutes later and asked for dessert. He told me that he didn't really finish his second helping of baked beans but he was still "a little bit hungry"...(ahem, a perpetual state for him) he ate some more "chicken". I reminded him it was pork chop then realized that he didn't have any more on his plate when I left the room. When I asked him where he got it he showed me MY beautiful pork chop gnawed down to about 1/4 of it's original size! He said he just stuck his fork in it and ate it that nice of him to remember he isn't allowed to use a knife!

Anybody out there doing Weight Watchers? I'll hire him out to you...he does wonders for our portion control...he eats our portions! Seriously, the boy had 4 pieces of pizza at my parents' house last Saturday...then asked for dessert! His metabolism must be through the roof! I swear I hear his body humming from the energy whenever he comes close to me :) He really doesn't eat a lot of junk...he'd as soon have baby carrots or a raw cucumber than a cookie. He did inform me tonight that the baked beans he was eating have protein in them and that he could actually feel them working in his body to make him stronger...what a kid!

By the way...the warning about the little kid in the picture should also be posted about the big "kid" in the picture...where do you think the little kid learned his food swiping technique from?????

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